FYA supports young people from in and around Camden and Westminster to lead community action and create positive change for themselves, their peers and their community.

Fitzrovia Youth in Action
"Young People Creating a Better Community"
Young people are more likely to turn to other young people for advice and support than approach a parent, teacher or any other professional. At FYA, we have co-produced fun and create peer support programmes where young people take the lead in offering advice and support.
Peer Education:
Create short films and run campaigns to improve awareness and understanding around issues you care about
Peer Mentoring:
Get trained in mental health and learn how to mentor other young people and deliver peer support group work
Every year, FYA supports hundreds of young people in tackling the issues that matter to them the most. Here's how you can get involved:
Watch some films made by young people
Our Values
What Can FYA Offer You?
Have fun and make friends!
Our young people tell us they feel part of something and have made friends here - we share food, use games, interactive activities AND go on trips to celebrate our work together at the end of projects! You make a difference and we put the SOCIAL in social action!

Gain confidence and skills!
Whether you are an aspiring photographer, designer, nurse, entrepreneur or unsure of what you might want to do in the future - you already have lots of skills and interests you can bring to any team and project. At FYA you can also develop these and gain new skills such as confidence, teamwork, problem solving, leadership and decision making.
By joining our programmes, you will gain AQA certificates, build your CV and learn how to articulate your newly gained skills in interviews or applications!

Get involved in your community!
We don't think you are just 'the future,' we recognise you already have experiences and ideas to make a difference now. Whether in your school, where you live or a community linked to an issue you care about, you have the power to make positive change for you, your friends and peers and communities across Camden and Westminster!

FYA in Numbers
*based on 2023-24 annual report
young people involved in planning and delivering youth action programmes last year. They volunteered for six weeks or more.
of young people we work with experience challenges such as mental health problems, special educational needs, having refugee status, or being at risk of exclusion.
groups (cohorts) of young people were supported to deliver social action programmes.
young people took part in workshops delivered by our young volunteers.
We support young people to draw on their lived experiences to lead social action. Young people know best about issues which affect them. They have understanding about what could be done to make improvements and are also best placed to know how solutions could be implemented. We see the individual young person and support them to overcome barriers they might be facing.