Equality and Diversity Statement
Fitzrovia Youth in Action (FYA) aims to improve the conditions of the young people of our local area by providing an appropriate learning experience for all young people, whatever their race, colour, culture, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, sexual orientation, class, disability, age and religious belief. FYA aims to provide young people with the opportunity to take part in activities in an environment free of prejudice.
Valuing diversity, equality, fair treatment and social inclusion lies at the heart of our organisation and in all aspects of our work. FYA rejects all forms of discrimination on grounds of race, colour, culture, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, sexual orientation, class, disability, age and religious belief.
It is FYA’s policy to work to address inequalities, eliminate discrimination and promote equal opportunities and diversity. FYA’s policy applies to the recruitment and treatment of staff as well as to providing and procuring goods and services.
This policy has been developed to ensure that, as an employer, we take positive action to combat all direct and indirect discrimination and, as a service provider, we make our services available and welcoming to all, irrespective of their status.
All FYA’s staff are responsible for ensuring that they comply with this Framework and to ensure that their conduct with young people and colleagues reflects this responsibility at all times.
The Equality Opportunities (EO) Lead for the organisation is the Chief Executive Officer, Andre Schott. The EO Lead has responsibility, along with the Office Manager, for organising appropriate training.
We will achieve these aims by:
Ensuring that in planning, delivering and monitoring FYA work plans and programmes, equality and diversity issues are considered at the outset.
Building partnerships in the youth sector and other sectors to understand, share, learn and develop best practice in equal opportunities and diversity.
At all stages of the advertising and recruitment process follow the guidelines set out in our Recruitment Policy.
Have systems in place to gain feedback from employees and young people on the experience of working for and with FYA.
Ensure that all staff receive adequate induction, supervision and assessment of training and development needs.
Have a zero-tolerance approach to any kind of discrimination, within the workplace and in the delivery of FYA’s activities.
Co-producing engagement models with young people, including those who FYA is targeting to engage.
A brief Policy Statement is displayed publicly in the FYA premises, outlining the responsibilities of the organisation and its users with regards to implementing, and adhering to, Equal Opportunities.